Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What Freedom Means

Today was rich.  We went to the Kwame Nkrumah burial and memorial site.  Nkrumah is revered here because he was the leader who brought independence from Britain to Ghana and they have buried and memorialized him on the site where he declared independence on March 6, 1957 (We just missed independence day celebrations).  I learned that the site had some important place features as well as symbolic significance (that was for AP Human Geo).  It was a polo field used by the British where no blacks were allowed.  Imagine, coming onto someone else's land and establishing an area where they are not allowed to go simply because they are...them?  That was terrible syntax, but hopefully you feel me.

The statue with the head and hand missing is the original that stood on this site and our Ghanaian guide explained that the destruction happened during a Coup d 'etat where Nkrumah was overthrown in 1960, and that the coup was planned and executed by the U.S. CIA.  I would like my Human Geo students to go to the beginning of Ch. 8 and look at the picture of the statue and read the field note.  The CIA thought Nkrumah had communist leanings so they got him out of the way, as they also did to Congo's leader in the 1960's.  

Nkrumah was a forward-thinking leader who instituted Ghana's formal education system, something else we learned about today.  Ghanaian students receive a free education which is compulsory up through primary school.  About 25% go on to high school (the last three years for 14-18 year olds).  There are some opportunities for those who complete it, but not enough. Our visit to the craft market today was a reminder of just how poor most people are.  They followed us around insisting that we come into their shops.."just have a look,"  but there were so many shops (stalls) it was overwhelming.

Here is the promised photo at the statue.  I am with two beautiful women in Ghanaian dress. who are our guides.  Their names are Ophelia and Wendy.


  1. Interesting...It looks beautiful there and so cool! Hopefully you are in enjoying it!

  2. Looks like you found some shoes! Hope they are comfy. Exciting to follow your adventure.

  3. Mrs. Silvius, it sounds like you are having fun!!! Awesome!

  4. Ghana looks beautiful! I love the picture of the beach! Have fun!

  5. Do you have any thoughts toward the C.I.A. They killed a man becuase of his political views, there are a billion Chinese that have the same views that are allowed to live.
